Sell Like A Woman 12-Month Immersion 


Do you find yourself saying this on an all too regular basis?   

If the answer is YES, then you need my Sell Like A Woman 12-Month Immersion Coaching Program to set you on the path to success. 

When I started my own journey in business and sales there seemed so much to do and not enough time to do it.  I just didn’t know where to start unravelling what I needed to know from a ton of information out there. 

It was overwhelming!


So I took a step back from all the systems, solutions and frameworks out there because nothing seemed to provide the answer. 

Looking for a needle in a haystack comes to mind! 

 Social media is crammed with people offering a myriad of solutions but the fact remains that if you are not getting many leads and/or calls booked, you need to work out WHAT ON EARTH IS GOING ON!? 

There is no point just ploughing on with the next Webinar or Course or training until you can pinpoint where the issue lies. 

Over the course of 12 months we will work  together  to… 

  • Troubleshoot the issue to really get to the nub of what is tripping you up.  This is what made all the difference in my own business.  Simply put, I was looking in the WRONG places for the answers! 
  • Put your ideal customer under the spotlight and uncover buried treasure and new opportunities to reach more ideal customers and close more sales 
  • Introduce you to powerful lead generation strategies including how to boost your business with an influx of new leads that require no Budget and no Ad spend that do not even require you to have a current email list, to create a crowd of raving fans just waiting for you to make an irresistible offer to them 

You may have fallen into the trap of hopping from one Webinar training to another and/or buying a variety of courses that very often they turn into SHELF HELP (stuff you buy that clutters up your Inbox that you never even open).

You owe it to yourself and your business to crack the formula for success.

Because you know what happens when you finally know how to get more leads and convert more sales with ease. 

  • Every morning you are excited to get into your business day and connect with ideal clients, who you know how to approach, connect with and convert in to a sale because you now know how to handle the process like a PRO.  No more stressing out before making a sales call.  You will approach your ideal customer as an expert and they will receive you as one. 
  • Money comes flooding into your business as you book clients with ease because you are confident that you have a process to follow that works, that enables you to speak in flow, passionately and authoritatively with your best fit prospects. 
  • You have less stress about your business as it transforms in front of your eyes.  So you are more relaxed with family and friends as your mood lifts and you have more time to spend time doing things you really want to do, spending time with loved ones rather than stressing about attracting more leads and closing more sales. 

Imagine being able to achieve all this and transform your business and hitting your monthly income goals on repeat! 

That is the power of my  Sell Like A Woman 12-Month Immersion Program, brought to you with my 40 years of selling experience both on and offline in multiple markets. 

  • We will get you making high converting sales conversions rather than the low conversions you’re getting now 
  • We will deep dive into your online messaging to understand how you are currently attracting leads, how you can deal better with objections and convert more into paying customers without using pushy persuasion tac-tics but by learning the art of influencing rather than persuading to win sales 
  • We’ll also be making sure you are making enough Offers to your audience and of course handling any objections elegantly. 
  • Sell Like A Woman 12-Month Immersion is delivered Bi-weekly via a 1-2-1 Zoom Meeting with Suzi Seddon 

If you have read this far, I know you need my help so let’s not waste time and get you started right now by clicking this button:- 



This 12 Month program focuses on how to reach more ideal clients and close more sales. 
For female entrepreneurs, coaches, consultants and authors who struggle to feel seen and heard in a sales situation and who are simply not booking enough sales calls to ensure they hit their monthly income goals. 

MONTH 1 – Your Message 

  • Deep dive into your business and uncovering your Why… why are you in this business? 
  • Identifying your zone of genius and weaving it into your sales message 
  • Creating a 10 word descriptor for your business to use when networking and attracting prospects 

MONTH 2 – Your Sales and your Ideal Customer 

  • What is getting in front of your success? 
  • Your Beliefs around success and selling and building a winning Mindset.  
  • Who is your Ideal Customer (even if you think you are really clear already!) and where are you finding them?  Where is your customer spending time and are you there to meet them? 
  • Let’s review your online profiles and get them looking great (eg Linked In, Instagram) 

MONTH 3 – Connection and Rapport 

  • How to start a sales conversation (practical exercises), covering cold calls, prospecting calls, referral calls 
  • What can you do now to immediately increase sales? 
  • the Power of Story and the reason why they work when building rapport with a cold audience 
  • finding your Story 

MONTH 4 – Your Values and Your Goals 

  • Establishing your Business Values and why it’s important to understand them 
  • Provide tick list of values 
  • Group into 5-6 core biz values 
  • Use these for decision making in business  
  • Those who don’t align, do not belong  
  • Can also be used in Family and Relationships 
  • Setting Your Business Goals – Monthly/Quarterly/Annually 
  • Business Values and Milestones/Goals Poster 

MONTH 5 – Your Offer and Your Written Proposal 

  • What is your Offer and why you need a Written Proposal 
  • How to consolidate your Offer into a simple and clear Written Proposal graphic, ready to use within your sales process 

MONTH 6 – Selling in Flow State and Closing with Ease 

  • How to sell in flow state without pushy tac-tics that frighten prospects off! 
  • Developing Open Questions for your Business to open easy empowering conversations with your prospects that won’t leave you feeling icky, pushy or manipulative 
  • Influence Mastery and Closing with ease 
  • Practical exercise in closing skills (you can never have enough practice) 

MONTH 7 – Handling Objections 

  • Types of sales objections and how to handle them eloquently 
  • How to take prospects toward the close (no arm twisting involved!) 
  • How to rescue a deal that is slipping through your fingers 

MONTH 8 – Lead Generation 

  • Why your Email List is your most important asset 
  • How to write daily emails without drying up! 
  • The Best Lead Generation Strategy if you have No List, No Budget and No Ad Spend – How to run an Online Summit in 30 days or less 

MONTH 9 – Your Personal Energy Management  

  • Energy Hacks to attract your right fit prospect 
  • Identify your best presenting style and the platform it suits 

MONTH 10 – Outcome Statements  

  • Crafting outcome statements that create excitement in your prospects 
  • Your next new Offer 

MONTH 11 – Online Challenges 

  • What is an Online Challenge and why they work so well 
  • Running an online challenge and what it entails 
  • Review session of your choice 

MONTH 12 – Planning for Success 

  • Is it time to create your own Community?  Memberships/Facebook Groups/Online Club 
  • Content and Strategic planning for the next 6-12 months 


Sound Good?


 Click the big yellow  SIGN ME UP button to complete a short application form and make your first payment to enrol and secure your place in the program. 

I will then be in touch to arrange:- 


  • 60 minute Kick-Start Call with me to agree a mutually agreeable start date and pre-book all of your 45 minutes Bi-Weekly Zoom sessions over the 12 months of the program 
  • Confirm the times of the Monthly, Group Gold Club meetings 
  • A link to join our Facebook Group where we hold Bi-Weekly Q&A sessions 
  • Voxer/FB Messenger details for Strategy Support 10am-6pm Monday-Friday 

There may be homework for you to complete each week that feeds into the next week’s lesson.  This helps incorporate the strategies into new practice for you. 
Each weekly session will take place on Zoom for 45 minutes and will be recorded. 



How much is it? 

It’s more than a couple of hundred pounds but the programme has a lot of built-in flexibility on payment to suit all pockets.